It is already 2019 New Year.It is time to say good bye to 2018.In my previous post about Christmas in the Town, I shared how 2018 was for me. I have my own resolutions and goals for 2018 considering my personal life. But, this year I decided to set some goals towards the progress of this travel blog too. Although many bloggers share their resolutions at the beginning of the year, many of them fail to achieve those goals throughout the year. I hope I will achieve at least few of below goals.

1. Update the blog frequently
This sounds unrealistic. But, I want to develop this blog as a resource for families who love to travel. Therefore I want to share more articles on travel tips and how to plan trips. Instead of writing more of my travel stories, I will also write about the traveling tips to new destinations. I will use our experiences in new places to write more travel tips articles. I hope these ideas will help the readers while I also get chance to update the blog frequently.
2. Share my travel stories without delay

Well, I still have to share some travelogues from our 2016 Kandy Sri Lanka Tour. As I remember I couldn’t share about other places we visited after the post Gadaladeniya Temple. I still have to share about our tour to King’s Palace of Phnom Penh from our Cambodia, Phnom Penh tour of 2017. I still have to share our experience in several Malaysia tours in 2018.Well I have lot of travel stories to share. Therefore I am thinking of updating this blog frequently with new experiences without any delay. For this, I have to go for a better writing plan which I write my experiences within the same month after any tour. I hope this will be a goal that I can achieve.
3. More social media engagement and a Newsletter

Truly 2018 was a busy year for me. I had to spend more time on my professional life and career advancement as an Engineer than focusing time for making the blogs successful. But, still I love to pen down my travel stories here as it is a way to relieve from stressful daily life among responsibilities. My blog posts created a community around i.e. receive comments and emails from readers which keeps me encouraging. However my social media engagement was poor during 2018.I hope I will have more time for social media in 2019.At the same time I am planning to create a newsletter for those who love to get updates via email.I hope I can achieve these New Year Resolutions with my travel blog before next year! 🙂
4. More posts on Photography efforts

I want to say that I am not an expert in photography. However I enjoy capturing moments with whatever device I have at the time I see interesting things. Previously I shared my love to flower photography with different blog posts. These articles with flower captures still get more attraction from readers. My articles about flowers from Sri Lanka are more popular. But, in 2018 I couldn’t share such photography efforts through blog posts. I plan to share few posts on photography efforts to share my captures. As always these captures will be from my home garden in Sri Lanka or from Parks around Singapore which I spend time leisurely. Instead of writing more words, such posts will be in the form of photo essays. Well, this is how I plan my new posts in 2019.I hope I will achieve this goal. I will go back to check Photo Friday posts for an inspiration. I couldn’t continue that series although I started.
Do you have any New Year resolutions for 2019? Do you have any plans to update your travel blog frequently? Do you have specific New Year resolutions as a blogger? Please share your thoughts.
Happy New Year 2019!