Ang Mo Kio Library Murals

Do you know that there are murals at Ang Mo Kio library? The best thing is that these murals are not on the walls. Those are murals on the ceiling (or soffit).

It was another weekend when we wanted to visit the library and then the neighbourhood park. Although I have shared a few posts about our nature walks through the Ang Mo Kio Town Garden, I don’t think another story post will ever make the readers of this blog bored. 🙂 Because this time we encountered beautiful murals at Ang Mo Kio Library.


Before admiring the beautiful murals, I could also capture the beautiful sunset during our walk from home to the library.

Ang Mo Kio sunset

It is easy to spot street art and murals in Singapore. While there are popular places such as Little India for mural hunting in Singapore, Ang Mo Kio is another town that has beautiful murals. A few years ago I shared a post about Ang Mo Kio murals and it was the time that many artists started decorating the walls with colourful murals.

Lately, I found other murals that I couldn’t capture for a blog post. These library murals are such beautiful paintings that I never thought of capturing for a blog post until a few weeks ago.

Murals at Ang Mo Kio Library

Ang Mo Kio Library Murals

These murals are painted on the ceiling/soffit of the library. These are colourful and even feature some of the important events and places of Singapore.

Ang Mo Kio Library Murals

On this day, I walked around the library with my son capturing beautiful paintings on the ceiling. It is a wonderful way of admiring art using the ceiling space.

Ang Mo Kio Library Murals
Ang Mo Kio Library Murals
Ang Mo Kio Library Murals
Ang Mo Kio Library Murals
Ang Mo Kio Library Murals
Ang Mo Kio Library Murals

After admiring the AMK library murals, we crossed the road to walk through the park. I could also watch the sky from the park and it was another fascinating view.

Ang Mo Kio sunset

These views are from just the opposite side of the sunset. But, the sky was beautiful with different cloud patterns.

Ang Mo Kio sunset

Beauty of nature

We walked through the park admiring the beauty of nature.

During this visit, I could identify the below flowers and plants are Dillenia suffruticosa or commonly called Shrubby Simpoh in Singapore. In Sri Lanka, these plants are called Godapara and fruits are used for hair treatments.

Dillenia suffruticosa / Shrubby Simpoh/ Godapara
Dillenia suffruticosa / Shrubby Simpoh/ Godapara

We walked through the park and the views were fascinating. It was truly a nature walk among greenery.


At the park, we found some mushrooms too. Usually, mushrooms make me happy because they are in different colours and patterns. I remember I shared some wild mushroom captures a few years ago. After that, I don’t remember capturing mushrooms until this capture.

It was another happy day that we enjoyed walking around the neighbourhood including the library.

If you like to see more Ang Mo Kio murals, check this post.

If you like nature walks, then check this post.

Do you like nature walks? or do you like murals? Please share your thoughts in a comment below.

**check my blog linky list to find out the site that I frequently visit.


  1. Amila – fabulous murals. Do you think the artists had to paint them from that position, or did they get painted normally and then mounted on the ceiling?

    I enjoy nature walks very much. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  2. Beautiful and I love all the murals. So beautiful and colorful.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  3. I think very challenging for the artists to draw on the ceiling. Their neck will be hurting spending so much time looking upwards. Beautiful and colourful murals. I also enjoy walking along with you through the photos.

  4. Wow, stunning & colorful murals on the library’s ceilings. A great idea! I have seen ceiling frescoes in old buildings, but not once in a modern buildings. Wishing you a great weekend.

  5. I like mural painting, but rare I saw them in such positions.
    It is difficult to damage them…😊
    Lovely collection. Thank you a lot for this presentation.
    All the best and a fine weekend!


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