These Red Weaver Ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) are a common sight in Sri Lanka and I came across them building a nest when I was in Sri Lanka in October for a holiday. In Sri Lanka we call these nests of Red Weaver Ants as ‘Dimi Gotu’. And if you have such experience, you should know how painful if any of this weaver ant bite you.
They fold down the leaves of this Ixora plant to make their nest. With their own sticky substance these Red Weaver Ants are clever enough to glue the leaves from the selected plant and create a beautiful nest for them.

It is really interesting to see how they work together to build their nest or colony using all their strength, sometimes creating a bridge using their bodies in order to make the nest strong and without the gaps.
Do you have experience with these Red weaver ants?
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Nice close ups interesting too, no I haven’t seen them here 🙂
Have an antastic week 🙂
I don’t think I would wan to get that close to something with a painful bite. I am a bit of a wimp when it comes to stinging insects.
The story of ants is so interesting, they are amazing and industrious little creatures.
haha…they sure intrigue me but from a distance :))
Eek, I got attacked by fire ants when I went to college in Florida. *runs away*
I have seen those ants around and it’s certainly quite a creepy sight for me.
Eeek! I bet they would hurt when they bite. We have red ants in FL and they hurt pretty bad, but I bet these are worse!