Manampitiya Bridge

Manampitiya Bridge is a steel bridge that was built during the colonial rule of Sri Lanka. According to Wikipedia, this bridge was built in 1922. It crosses the Mahaweli River and is the second longest bridge of Sri Lanka, seconding only to Kinniya Bridge.


During our recent Sri Lanka Holiday, we enjoyed a few road trips and one of those was to Mahiyanganaya through Polonnaruwa. After our stop at Giritale Tank, it was almost late evening. We planned to visit one of my uncle’s home to visit them after a few years. Therefore, it was not possible to stop near this bridge to enjoy the moments. But, my husband was kind enough to drive slowly allowing me to capture the sunset.


The old Manampitiya Bridge is the bridge in this photo in black. A few years ago, there is another bridge constructed across the Mahaweli River and it is officially called ‘Sri Lanka-Japan Friendship Peace Bridge’.

Anyway, the sunset view was amazing and we couldn’t catch the sunset when we were at Giritale. (Read about our visits to the Giritale Tank and Giritale Buddha statue)

Along the way, I could capture a few more road views.

Other than Buddha statues, we also passed a few Hindu temples, shrines, and statues too.

Finally, we wanted to have a rest and it was another stop near a beautiful lake called Dalukana Wewa.

Sri Lanka

It was relaxing and I will share photos of this lake in another post. 🙂

Sri Lanka
Happy child when he saw a stray dog when we stopped near the lake

**Check my blog linky list to find out the site that I frequently visit.

Below are some other posts about our previous trips.


  1. I love your photos. The sky is magic, but also the image with the lake.
    Thank you for sharing them.
    Happy Today, Amila! Have a fabulous weekend! 😘❤️

  2. Hello Amila……I really love getting to know another country and culture..My winter project last year was reading up on differing religions and cultures and now I am taking wildlife rehabilitation classes and this one is one amphibian rehabilitation. I asked to follow you on Instagram under my name, but I also use mine for my young grandchildren….Michelle..Rambling Woods

  3. You got some great photos. There is always something about walking across a bridge; of course for me if it’s too high, I don’t like them. We have a new one to walk over in a town not far from me that my sisters and I did last Summer. Love the view of the lake and the sky in your photos.

  4. Ah, your husband is so nice to accomodate your photography. On our trips I do most of the driving but my wife does a lot and I always have my camera or phone at the ready. Us photobloggers never miss and opportuniity for a photo.

  5. Hello Amila,
    Beautiful sky captures and the lake is pretty. Children do love the dogs.
    Lovely views and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  6. Hi Amila,
    Thank you for sharing your photos. Such a beautiful country but so much suffering. I particularly loved the second last photo.
    Hope you’re having a great week.
    Best wishes,


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