Flame Violet (Episcia reptans) is commonly found in Sri Lanka and these are plants with beautiful leaves and little cute red flowers. Although these flowers are beautiful, usually in Sri Lanka Flame Violets are grown as ornamental plants. I captured these photos from my home Sri Lanka during a previous holiday. These plants are with brownish leaves; however there are different varieties with different leaves and patterns including green leaves. This houseplant usually grows quickly and it grows as a vine.

I captured few photos of this plant including its leaves.With the interest in capturing flowers,I had a great time spending in the garden. Seems I haven’t shared a post with flowers from Sri Lanka for a long time.therefore thought of featuring these Flame Violets for this week ‘Wordless Wednesday’ or ‘Travel Tuesday’ post.
Do you have this plant in your country? If so, what varieties do you have?Do you like these Flame Violet Flowers from Sri Lanka?
Hope you had a great week.If you have any photo story this week,please share with us.I’d like to read those.
Very pretty flowers!!
Nice close ups 🙂
Your photos are always so lovely! 🙂
Beautiful flower. I don’t think we have that one here in New Zealand, we are subtropical.
We do have this in the Philippines! Sadly I forgot what it is called. But they are so pretty! You always post of blooms that reminds me of home. Thanks =)
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a flame violet before. Love the colour!
Love the pics!! Tell me what you think about my blog, I just started and I would appreciate some feedback. Im really new at all of this and I like your style and creativity. Good job,
These are some very nice shots, ironically they are called Flame Violet Flowers yet they are RED. 🙂
Have a lovely week!
Very nice photo.
Lovely photos! Thank you for sharing!
Pretty flower. I love red!
Love the vibrant colour!