We all love to travel. It is one of the best ways to relieve the stress and tiredness of day to day work. This is why Travelling is considered as a therapy that makes you energetic and strong. However, due to the current COVID 19 pandemic, the travel sector was affected severely. This resulted in many people suffering from anxiety due to travel restrictions and other reasons.
COVID-19 affected both travel sector businesses and travellers. For us as family travellers, we had to cancel our planned trips and decided to stay at home whenever possible. However, without travelling and with trip cancellation this situation is really stressful. I know it is the same for most of you who loves traveling to new destinations. If you undergo such anxiety or stressful situation due to trip cancellation or due to staying at home as a result of lockdown cities I like to share some of the things that work. These tips will help you to overcome your anxiety due to travel restrictions.
How COVID 19 pandemic creates anxiety among the people
Anxiety is what we are experiencing right now. It is stressful to stay at home for weeks due to the reason of lockdown of some cities. It is stressful to only work without even planning the next trip. With the current COVID-19 pandemic, we don’t even know when we can travel again. Even we all worry about protecting our families from the COVID 19 virus.
Last minute trip cancellations make life more troublesome. Some people even do not have an idea of how to get a refund for their trip cancellation. Some travellers who travelled to other countries before the pandemic experience difficult situations because of travel restrictions. Most countries have closed their airports to avoid the spreading of COVID-19 virus. However, due to this reason, there are some travellers who cannot return to their homes.
All these situations create anxiety. It is difficult to overcome negative thoughts and feelings. But, there are ways you can be positive. You can still get inspired and continue your business or other tasks from home or where you stay. There are ways to avoid anxiety due to travel restrictions!

How to overcome anxiety due to COVID 19 and travel restrictions
Overcoming anxiety is important to stay healthy and strong. If you undergo an anxiety situation due to trip cancellation, Quarantine in another country, negative thoughts or fear, here are some tips to overcome your anxiety.
Practice self-care
Be mindful and practice self-care. Make sure your other family members do the same. You can involve in activities such as exercising, practising Yoga or even reading books. Even if you cannot travel you can still read about other countries, culture and people. These activities will keep you healthy destroying the negative feelings.
This is also a good time to stay away from alcohol. Eat well and sleep well to give your body a good retreat.
Keep your connections with others while isolating
It is important to isolate in order to fight the COVID 19 virus. However, don’t isolate completely for weeks which can make you more stressed. While keeping a social distance you can connect with your friends and family members via phone calls, messages and social media. Such activities will keep you engaged.

Learn online
This is a period where you stay at home or a place most of the days due to the lockdown of cities or due to travel restrictions. You can use such time for a purposeful task such as studying a new subject. There are plenty of programs offered online. Other than following a course online you can even continue reading your preferred websites which add more knowledge for yourself.
Get mental health therapy from experts
It is important to keep your mental health. If you are dealing with anxiety and if you cannot control it with any of the above tips then it sounds like you want some expert advice. Consult a mental health professional and get their advice on keeping your mental health. However, due to the Covid 19 situation, it is difficult to meet a counsellor in person. Do you know that you can consult a mental health expert online? Yes, you can easily get online therapy from expert consultants staying at the place you are now.
How to avoid anxiety with online therapy
There are expert mental health professionals who offer their services online. You can book an online therapy session to get relevant advice. When you contact such mental health expert to provide therapy it is easy to relieve the anxiety situation that you are undergoing now. It is easy to talk with them and relieve your stress. Such mental health therapy will help you to uplift from your stressful situation. Luckily, the cost of therapy for an online session is really affordable.

While the cost of therapy is affordable you can choose the therapy method depending on your situation. It can be a talk therapy session, individual therapy or even a couple therapy. It is better to talk to a therapist who can help you to overcome this stressful situation. Don’t worry about thinking about which therapy is suitable for you. If you cannot decide you can always get counselling help and choose the best therapy session to overcome your current situation.
It is also important to explain your true current situation to your online therapist. Then they can understand your mental issue and plan their therapy session accordingly.
After all, it is essential to stay healthy. Follow good hygiene practices always. Keep yourself away from the anxiety situation created by this New COVID 19 virus.
After this situation is over and once life is normal you can travel again to your favourite destinations.
Till that Stay safe!
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