Jurong Bird Park

When you travel you experience lot of magical moments, you meet many nice people, you eat the world’s best food. Finally these are your best memories for the whole lifetime. And with the advancement of the technology, you will end up having thousands of photos of your whole trip making it an amazing holiday to remember!

What do you do for your photos after the holidays? Do you print those into an album? A travel photo album is one of my favourite ways to keep memories documented other than the travelogues I share in this travel blog. Be it for a travel blog, travel photo album or even for sharing over social media, you need to do some post editing for your images to improve your photography.

Then,how to improve your travel photography in 3 easy steps?

How to Improve Your Travel Photography in 3 Easy Steps

If you are a professional photographer, this post is not for you because you know how to edit your photos professionally. However if you are a traveler just like me, some simple edits will improve your photos dramatically.

Here are 3 basic things that you can to do to improve your travel photos even if you are a beginner. With a photo editing toolkit that allows easy editing features, you can easily enhance your travel images!

1. Adjust the Brightness and Contrasts

Jurong Bird Park

Most of the times we experience that the photos don’t look beautiful when we transfer those images to the computer! Images don’t look vibrant as they were in the camera. They look dull and dark. This is where you need to play with the brightness of images. In any photo editing program, you will find the tools for brightness and contrast adjustments. By adjusting the brightness you can improve the photo exposure giving a good look for your images.

2. Crop the images

Jurong Bird Park

Composition is one of the important factors for a good photo. If you think the photo need some adjustment in composition, one of the ways to do that is by slightly cropping your images. This will zoom the images and you will be able to improve it to the better.

3. Adjust and Balance the saturation

It can be a cloudy day or a rainy day that you couldn’t capture the images with proper lighting. You may not find the beautiful and vibrant colours in your landscape photos that you experienced in your trip. I know this is a sad moment when the photos look dull. But, you can easily adjust saturation of photos and give some new look for your images.

But, be careful when you adjust the saturation. Sometimes, your photos will look artificial if you don’t balance the saturation properly. So, always adjust saturation with care and improve the quality of colours.

Above are the 3 basic things that you need to do for your travel photos before you use those for any purpose. Although there are many other ways to enhance your travel photography by using photo editing techniques, these basic tips will help you to improve your photos dramatically.

How do you improve your travel photos? What are the post editing photo techniques that you use for your travel photography? Please share your experiences.







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