Choosing The Perfect Wedding Destination

As someone who is getting married, you can’t help but feel overwhelmed. This happens for both the bride and the groom. You are both thrilled at the thought, yet somehow a bit anxious. You wonder how your wedding day might turn out and hope it will go just as planned or how you pictured it on your mind. But I tell you, it is normal to feel so much jitters months or days before you tie the knot. As the big day comes closer, the excitement and doubts just get a little more.

For every woman, walking down the aisle wearing a delicate white lace gown as your groom awaits you in the altar is a dream come true. That’s for sure. However, although you might feel so much ready to commit, you can’t just pull off a wedding in an instant. You can’t make it happen the next day after getting engaged the night before. If you want an exquisite wedding celebration, you ought to consider full-fledged planning which usually takes weeks or even months. This depends on how exactly you and your partner want your wedding to look like.  From the choice of wedding theme down to what honeymoon location sounds perfect, everything needs to be carefully outlined. Couples may hire an event coordinator to help ease the planning process. This is a good idea since these wedding experts have tons of experience in handling nuptials so they are basically knowledgeable. They could recommend the best vendors they know and even give you tips and advice. If you are lucky, you might just be able to score friendly discounts which get you to save your budget. Conversely, although you may consult with your event planner, the final decision in almost every aspect of your wedding will always fall between you two. This involves, for one, the choice of your wedding destination, which is usually the hardest to make for all soon-to-be-weds.

Choosing The Wedding Destination

To guide you on the prenup phase, here comes a list of 7 tips you may consider in deciding on the perfect wedding location:

1. Know how many guests you plan to invite

Some private hotels and resorts can only accommodate a specific wedding size. Engaged couples must decide whether they wanted a big wedding with all their circle of friends present or preferred to have an intimate celebration where guests just consist of family and a few of the closest pals. Often, the more invitees, the larger the expense. Rates of wedding venues just get more costly with a long list of guests to accommodate. This is something that soon-to-be-weds must take note before touring on their preferred location. It would help to do research first on the rates of the place where they plan to hold their union before getting on a tour.

2. Talk about your budget

Communicate with your partner on the desired spend for your wedding venue. If you are on a tight budget, you both need to be wise on the choice of the location. Getting married is expensive and the cost even goes up higher if you don’t plan strictly. You would not want to argue with your fiance on money issue even before you become legally husband and wife so it helps to settle all the expenses for the wedding. Of course, we wanted our wedding to be fairytale-like and getting a beach venue might just be a perfect choice but this does not sound practical if you are overspending or worse, putting yourselves into debt.

3. Check out wedding blogs and magazines

You can get awesome insights by checking out wedding blogs and magazines. This way, you are able to brainstorm on the perfect theme you should cop for your much-anticipated wedding.  You can get inspiration from creative shots of wedding photographers and bloggers. Wedding magazines also feature a variety of picturesque venues, sometimes with quotations and amenities, which helps soon-to-be-weds decide on the best destination to hold their wedding ceremony.  If you are opting for a tropical-themed party, then you might consider looking into a wedding destination in Fiesta Americana Puerto Vallarta . Couples and guests would likely feast their eyes with its stunning beachfront and architectures that just add more life and good vibes to the celebration. The resort offers luxury and impressive wooden column and staircase that just seems a perfect place to exchange vows. But if you prefer a fairy-tale like a wedding, then you can choose to hold your nuptial at the ballroom or Moana Chapel. You sure would want to look back at the memories of your nuptial so it is important to find the perfect place where it is best to capture your wedding moments.

Choosing The Wedding Destination

4. Make sure the venue can tell your love story

Find a wedding location that can incredibly narrate your journey as a couple. Every story is unique so look for a place that best describes yours. Some places can be alluring but do not make sense to your love story or how you and your fiance have crossed paths. Your wedding destination must be something that is significant to your life as a couple. If you are both travellers, then you might have a list of your most loved travel destinations which makes a good prospect for your wedding destination. Consider destinations that have personal significance, such as the place where you first met, got engaged, or shared a memorable trip. This will make your special day even more meaningful and unforgettable. Venues that specialize in Private Events Golden can provide the perfect backdrop for your love story, ensuring a truly personalized and intimate celebration.

5. Consider the geographic location

Although your wedding venue is a personal choice, soon-to-be-weds must still be considerate of their guests. Look for a location that is prettily accessible. If you are getting married abroad, then check whether it would be okay for your invitees to travel there. Also, make sure the logistics and vendors you hire would easily get to the venue with not so much hassle.

6. Inquire on your prospect venues

The first wedding destination you see on a wedding blog does not mean the best one to book. Engaged couples must do careful research before doing any reservations. It helps to send your preferred venue a call and inquire on the rates and amenities they offer. After this, you may decide whether you are going to get a tour of the site. Having an overview of the quotations makes you not rush into an ocular visit which typically makes an unnecessary spend.

7. Take a tour

Filter down your preferred sites into three or less before going on a tour. You just can’t visit all the ten wedding destinations you have listed because this will get you another hole in your wallet. We understand that you are rooting for a whimsical or one-of-a-kind wedding but this should not mean overspending. If the venue does not match your budget, then cross it out on your list. Once you are sure you can afford the location and it fits your wedding theme, then you can go for an ocular. A perfect wedding destination at Baecelo Bavaro Palace Deluxe in the Dominican Republic is something you might add on your list. The resort got a casino, discos and nightclubs, pools with waterfalls, mini-golf, and a waterpark which would definitely get enjoyed by your pool of guests. Apart from the white sand beach, it also features a chapel where you can hold a peaceful and intimate wedding ceremony, an exquisite garden and gazebo. This makes for a fitting nuptial venue for all types of theme, may it be a whimsical, fairytale, or a traditional wedding.


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