Spending time outdoors can be very interesting, but the experience can often turn into a nightmare without the correct reviews. Before you settle on camping gear in Australia, you must make sure that the reviews meet specific criteria.
It is never enough just to have items that are necessary for camping. It is even more important to have those items in the proper condition to suit your needs. Reviews help you to know that you choose to have a relaxing time and not a ticket to the nearest emergency room.
Reviews are a must-do whether you have been camping for years or you are trying it out for the very first time. You can also checkout Camp Outdoors Australia for more information.
- Tent
A good review should help you know that you should always have a tent when camping in Australia.
It is easy to experience unexpected conditions such as heavy dues or snowstorms that put you at the risk of getting hypothermia.
Carrying the tent alone can never be enough. It would be useless to bring a tent and leave behind the accessories such as ropes, stakes, rain, and ropes.
- Sleeping bag
Just like most places in the world, In Australia, temperatures change significantly during the night. Small insects also become more active at night.
These two are enough to cause you to twist and turn the whole night if you do not have a sleeping bag.
It would be delightful to sleep on a bed of grass during the day, but that is very different from the night; any good review in Australia should make that well known to you.
- Water bottle
The best reviews in Australia should show the need for a water bottle. The need for a water bottle can never be underestimated.
The best camping sites are wild and will most likely not have artificial water sources, which makes a water bottle a need. Getting stuck in a camp without water is a deadly experience.
Taking water from natural sources may be dangerous due to bacteria. If the situation is inevitable, then you must consider carrying purification pills.
- First aid kit
Evaluation should help you recognize the need for a first aid kit during camping. While significant injuries are highly unlikely to occur, hiking a whole day is likely to cause you minor cuts, blisters, or even scrapes which equally need to be well taken care of.
For this to happen, you need items such as bandages, scissors, an antiseptic, soap, adhesive, gauze, a mouth whistle, and a CPR barrier. It is also advisable to have insect repellents since the attack from insects may be minor but come with adverse outcomes that may cause you to bring your trip to an end.
See this link to read more insights, especially for beginners https://rootsrated.com/stories/a-beginner-s-guide-to-camping-gear
- Compass and maps
Evaluations in Australia emphasize the need for maps. Most recently, people have access to a GPS. Trying to use the sun’s direction can be very misleading due to constant changes in the position of the sun, especially where you are constantly on the move.
In the past, so many campers have found themselves lost in the woods for days before getting their way back or having someone help them out with the directions. Situations can only be worse when you do not have enough food and water supply.
If you are joined by children, you will need to always be on the lookout lest they get lost in the woods. It is important to ensure they have a way to walk back to the main camping site if, by any chance, they need to explore areas around the camping site.
- Weather appropriate clothing
Australia is a large country that has different climate zones. Your dressing hence should be informed by the area where you will be camping. The northern part is largely hot and humid in summer, and it is warm and dry in winter.
The southern part is cooler with mild summers and color rainy winters. Regardless of the days you will be visiting, you need to have multiple clothes due to unexpected conditions that may make your clothes wet or dirty.
It is always advisable to carry a waterproof jacket that can accommodate several layers of clothing. A rain bag for your bag is also good to make sure the items you are carrying remain dry even when you experience rain.
- Lighting
it is lots of fun to camp in Australia, which might cause you to want to stay longer than you had planned to.
That will mean spending more nights outside, demanding that you have some form of lighting, however simple it can be. Campfires are good, but they do not serve the purpose of lighting, for example, when you feel the need to look for an item from a specific spot.
The fires can only help up to feet in any direction. If you are in a position to, it is best to use a headlamp that gives you hands-free functionality.

- Pocket knife
Evaluations in Australia also highly advocate for pocketknives. A knife serves as a multipurpose tool while in the wild. While you may not see the need of having one to start with, evaluations help you identify these needs.
The most common of them are cutting a fishing line, slicing foods such as cheese, opening seals, cutting tangled vines, skinning animals, sharpening sticks, and drawing holes on items.
Without a knife in the wild, it is easily possible to get frustrated every now and then, as most dynamics dictate that a knife is a need. Click here to know more.
Camping is one of the most interesting recreation activities in the world. In many instances, the experience is largely dependent on how well prepared you are in terms of having the right items for use packed. The best way to prepare is by checking out the camping gear reviews that are available to you in Australia. They will help you in packing and help you select the best place to go camping. If well done, it is an activity that can easily accommodate people from all walks of life and ages. The next time you want to go camping in Australia, be sure to evaluate your camping gear critically.