The 2020 Coronavirus pandemic resulted in most families canceling vacations and staying at home. But, holidays in 2021 are going in a whole different direction. According to statistics released by Vrbo, close to 82% of families are planning summer getaways in 2021. People are looking for options where they can maintain social distancing while at the same time, enjoy some time off with their loved ones. The solution? Staying at short-term rental homes where exposure to large crowds and public spaces can be avoided.
Managing Bookings With a Single Service
If you own a home in a location where people like to visit, the year 2021 is a great year to make good money. Think Hood River in Oregon, Portal in Arizona, The Berkshires, Massachusetts, or Portofino in Italy, which are only some of the off-the-beaten-track destinations holidayers are likely to visit. Listing your home on platforms like Airbnb, Turnkey, Vrbo, Homestay, and Flipkey is the preferred way for homeowners to connect with guests wishing to stay in their homes. Once the relevant details are uploaded, you’ll sign up with a service that integrates the bookings in a single app and streamlines management.

Keep Your Property Bookings Organized
Short-term rental software helps property owners and managers to keep bookings organized. You can keep track of guests’ arrivals and departures on a single page and avoid the possibility of overlapping bookings. The app also helps you connect with cleaning and maintenance personnel and schedule tasks. Possibly the best advantage of this digital tool is communication. You’ll receive messages from vacationers and respond to inquiries. And, since the app is compatible with your smartphone or iPhone, you can manage listings on the go. Further, if you own multiple properties, you can add them all to a single account.
Remote Property Management Made Easier
When you’re looking to rent out a property from a remote location, this software is just what you need. Using features like keyless access, you can allow guests to let themselves in without the need to be physically present to receive them. This feature adds an extra layer of security that vacationers are sure to appreciate. Moreover, you can check and publish the reviews that guests leave as effective advertising.
When choosing the best software to manage your short-term rental property, identify your goals and objectives, and select the best option accordingly.