If you own a boat, you have most likely spent a lot of money to buy it. Because this purchase has cost you so much money, you should take special steps to take care of it so your boat lasts for a very long time. You should also want to protect it because if you ever decide to sell it, you will want to get as much money for it as possible. This means you will need to make caring for your boat one of your top priorities. Boats that get neglected by their owners often develop problems that become major financial headaches as time goes by.

One of the biggest headaches is caused by the corrosion of its parts. Specially, you need to consider the material of screws that are used in exposed areas. There are high-quality bronze screws that are designed to suit timber boats and exposed areas that need non-corrosive materials. Having a basic understanding of the parts you need makes it easier to take care of your boat, before setting off on your voyages.

Anyway, here is some advice regarding taking care of your boat.

1. Wash your boat regularly

This may seem to be common sense, but it is a task that often gets neglected. Washing your boat is especially important if you keep it in saltwater. Use freshwater to wash the boat. You will need to do this following every time you use the boat. This will enable salt residue to be removed. Salt is able to corrode the metal and ruin the gelcoat on your boat. When you wash it, use soap along with a brush that has soft bristles. Marine boat wash is the most ideal cleaning substance. You can wash your boat thoroughly while it is being held in a boat lift. A wide selection of boat lifts and boat lift parts are sold by Lunmar Boat Lifts. Look them up online at http://lunmarboatlifts.com/collections/parts.


2. Inspect your propeller

Rather than just taking a quick look at your propeller, you should completely remove it. This will allow you to easily look at both sides so you can see any damage that has been done to it. You do not need to do this after every excursion. However, you should make a point to do it a few times each year. Set up an alert in your smartphone so you will not forget to do it. One of the most common problems that boaters experience is fishing line becoming tangled around their propeller. This can be very serious because leaks in your gear case can result from it.

3. Battery maintenance

You should also pay attention to your battery. It can lose power because of dirt and dampness, so clean it regularly. You should also keep an eye on the fluid levels and keep it charged.


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