Regardless of culture, race, age and geographical locations, music connects us from all around the world. That’s why music is known as a universal language. Music can send you a spiritual message or it can make you calm and quiet and concentrate only on the music you are listening. Power of music is so magical and so unavoidable! That is why I selected to share a wonderful mission and experiences of a person who started Piano Ambassadors program and connect piano enthusiastic from around the world.

He is Eathan Janney, who is a world-class professional piano technician. Journey of Eathan Janney in search of old pianos and stories behind the pianos are really exciting and interesting if you really love music, traditions, travel and culture. These stories are full of unexpected happenings and excitements. However, Eathan Janney never stops his exploring journey of pianos and he didn’t take any step back. I am sure his story of finding pianos and connecting with piano owners around the world will inspire you.
Story behind the Piano Ambassadors program
Piano Ambassadors program which is getting popular day by day is a concept of Eathan Janney, who is a world-class professional piano technician. He started a journey to visit different countries and places around the world to meet and connect with piano lovers. These journeys are with full of exciting experiences which Eathan Janney could meet piano enthusiastic. Those old pianos sitting lonely without any attention are his greatest findings. In his recent visits to Lima, Peru; he was excited with pianos he found and of course the people he could meet!

Currently there are Piano ambassadors from countries such as Hong Kong. As Piano ambassadors, they will connect with piano owners around the world and explore the histories and stories behind their findings. Of course, they will tune the piano for free when they found a piano with the permission of the piano owner. Tuning an old piano is interesting. These tasks are always with exciting moments and if you follow the Floating Piano blog, you’ll read all these exciting stories of piano ambassador program.
Visit Floating Piano Blog to read more exciting posts about the experiences and adventures of Eathan Janney and other Piano ambassadors in discovering pianos and the stories connected with those.
And, stay tuned! I will also share some interesting posts time to time about the new outcomes of Piano Ambassadors program! Hope you would love this series of posts.
Do you own a piano which has a great story behind it?
What a wonderful story about pianos! I used to play until I turned 18, but I remember it well all the time. It’s great to see people who value and want to tell the story behind the music.
I love this. I also love seeing pianos all over the world in places I wouldn’t expect. Great story.
That is just too cool. Loved reading about it! #productreviewparty on!
This is great. I wish I knew how to play the piano. I tried when I was younger, but couldn’t get the hang of it. #ProductReviewParty
Never heard of anything like this. What a neat idea! I wish I could be a piano ambassador. #ProductReviewParty