We all know that our bodies need the right food and exercise to stay in shape but have you ever stopped to think that your brain also needs a good workout to remain active and sharp? More and more research is coming to light that shows that the more you use your brain, the better your brain health will be in the long run.
Interestingly, as this research has become more mainstream, so has the availably of brain training games that require you to undertake certain exercises in a bid to keep your brain young. If you are keen to learn about what works and what doesn’t, then we have the answers for you – take some time to check out our three key exercises that will help keep your brain sharp without costing you a fortune!
Meditate and Exercise

Starting your day the right way is vital if you want to enjoy the best chance of success. Research has proved that people who meditate and exercise each morning are more likely to retain important information for longer periods of time.
When you take time out for meditation and exercise, you are giving your brain time to process important information and transfer it into your long-term memory, making you smarter than ever before! There are many great mediation tools for you to choose from, ranging from newbies to experts, so why not give it a go and open your mind to new possibilities.
Use Technological Tools Designed to Help

If you worry that technology is taking over the world, then maybe it is time for you to stop and consider the power that technology has to offer. There are many different tech tools that you can engage with, and many of them will help you to engage your brain and keep it sharp and focused.
From gaming consoles to smart devices, tech giants are working hard to provide their audiences with the material they want. You can even get apps that support self-development these days! Check out one of our favourites, Nerdish, that you can reach by the link we’ve provided. Whatever you choose and try, remember that tech can be a great help on your mission to a sharper brain!
Try Something New Each Day
Our final exercise may seem a bit challenging, but it is well worth doing! Trying something new every day not only expands your knowledge, but it also opens you up to new experiences and makes you more likely to achieve success. However, you don’t need to go crazy to make this happen.
Each day, look for something small you can change up to or try in order to meet this goal. It could be as simple as trying a new breakfast or drink to heading to a new activity or reading something you wouldn’t normally read. Every time you take yourself out of your comfort zone, your brain awakens and takes more interest in what is happening – allowing you to learn new things and broaden your mind.
Read this post to know more about the difference between NLP & Hypnosis